We strive to make our communities open and inclusive to spiritual seekers of all backgrounds, but, to be clear, the foundational spiritual filter for all comments will be A Course In Miracles, A Course In Love, and The Way of Mastery.
The following is not permitted in comments, Blog Posts, usernames or anywhere else in the Journey Without Distance community.
1. Comments, Blog Posts, or usernames that are intolerant or prejudiced (sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, anti-religion, etc.) in nature.
2. Personal attacks or threats on community members.
3. Gendered insults of any kind in comments, Blog Posts or usernames.
4. Posting or creating Blog Posts for the sole purpose of trolling or disrupting the community is not permitted. Posts made for such purposes are subject to deletion without notice. Creating multiple user names for this purpose is not permitted. Persons creating such user names will have those names banned and/or deleted without notice.
5. Offensive imagery of any kind is not allowed, including violent, explicit and demeaning imagery.
6. Comments, Blog Posts or usernames that make light of serious crime of any kind; specifically domestic violence, DUI, sexual assault.
7. Comments, Blog Posts or usernames that make light of any physical, mental, behavioral or psychological disorder.
8. Profanity is considered inappropriate for this community and the use thereof may be grounds for censorship up to an including being banned from active participation in the discussions.
9. Posts created for the sole purpose of advertising or other commercial purposes will be deleted without notice.
Thanks for being a member of our community.