Greetings fellow spiritual sojourners!
1.1 A deep reflection on the happenings and my perceptions of moving to the Sedona, AZ area, right at two years ago, morphed into a review of my spiritual journey from beginning to present. What a joy to find the experience a joyful one, full of gratitude, and appreciation for all that led to “this moment”.
1.2 When did this journey to a place I have never left begin? Was it born out of a plaintive plea that NO ONE should have to feel the pain of the loss of one’s 1st love? Did God hear the sincere and heartfelt desire that no other feel similarly? Was it that moment on a grand mountain pass called Wolf Creek in Colorado when standing apart, just at the edge of a precipice dropping 1,000’s of feet, when the thought that “Something this grand, this beautiful, Something had to create it?” flooded the mind, was felt in the body? What is remembered of both, all these years later, is that “Something” was FELT. I might not have known then but the answer seems clear, even obvious now. It was love calling for itself to return Home.
1.3 Years, decades later, the time for reflection and appreciation for every step of the journey, all chosen by the soul for the purpose of bringing it back to the heart of God, seems to be calling. Difficulties, pain, and at times the grinding nature of the body’s complaints have all served as stepping stones rather than blocks to the awareness of Love’s presence. None seemed like a gift at the time but are being embraced as such now as the ever deepening journey inward continues at an advanced pace. Sedona, Arizona, a spiritual hub of the United States, literally CALLED, drew me energetically to move to an area filled with other souls similarly beckoned and magnetically compelled to join in the union of creating the new elevated Self of form that “A Course of Love” speaks of. Weekly, nearly daily if one chooses, meetings grounded in “A Course of Miracles”, “The Way of Mastery”, and “The Course of Love” drop divine “pebbles of thought into the clear, still pools of awareness” thereby creating the energy of love, which then flows through us and into the everyday world. The journey now finds me integrating these ideas into this website that is now being introduced to the world. Here is where that strange ACIM phenomenon of the “teacher being the student and the student being the teacher” once again plays out through allowing creation to speak through me rather than of me. I cannot wait to see what I learn from you.
1.4 For so many of us the words of ACIM, ACOL, and The Way of Mastery have been felt more than understood. From the earliest stages this repeating thought/theme kept appearing in my mind when reading the ideas coming from the Christ mind into and through these works “I, I almost understood that.”. Re-reading, holding the thought in my mind and sinking into stillness has always resulted in the actual experience of epiphany, that “ah ha!” moment where understanding reverberated into the mind and body creating an experience of peace no less awe inspiring than staring across that precipice on Wolf Creek Pass so many years ago.
1.5 What are some of the ideas/phrases that resonated with us, those “pebbles of thought” specific to our own personal experience? Collect, re-collect, search your memory and review the works that have spoken to you for your personalized “pebbles of thought” that will act as a change agent in what will here be called the “deepening”. Please, share them here and trust what you need to say NEEDS to be heard.
1.6 ACOL says “The sharing of experience is more appropriate than the sharing of interpretation. The sharing of process is more appropriate than the sharing of outcome.” Details of personal lives become unnecessary as our Guide is already aware of and working with you on “becoming” ready to receive “your” answers.