Let’s explore some of the ideas expressed by Jesus in ACIM, ACOL, and TWOM:
On page 212 of The Way of Mastery Jesus asks us to make a decision to embrace the “idea” of death by saying to simply make a decision to view life and death as energy, just a transition in form.
Page 377, 5.5 of A Course In Love states: “Your form does not contain your heart, or the energy of creation, or God. Your form is but an extension of this energy, a representation of it. You might think of this as a small spark of the energy that has created a living universe existing within you and united you to all that has been created. You are the substance of the universe. The same energy exists in the stars of the heavens and the waters of the ocean that exists in you. This energy is the form and content of the embrace. It is within you and It surrounds and It encompasses you. It is you and all who exist with you. It is the body of Christ. It is like unto what the water of the ocean is to the living matter that exists within it. The living matter that exists within the ocean has no need to search for God. It lives in God. So do you”.
Let’s discuss how these words, ideas, and energy support us as students of ACIM, ACOL, and The Way of Mastery can be used in this blog to support each other in our individual and collective “next step” in the elevation of the Self of form.