Living in this world, in this moment, at and in peace with my Self is the ONLY goal, the ONLY desire; at peace with my self in this moment, one thought, one goal, one decision, one action at a time.
It’s never about next week, the next hour, or even the next moment. It is ALWAYS about this moment, one moment at a time, one thought at time.
Ask yourself: “Am I at peace with the thought I am holding in my mind…in THIS MOMENT?”
* Am I at peace with the action in front of me….now?”
* “is there a sense of being, thinking, and doing with You in THIS MOMENT
If not, PAUSE, say to yourself: “I could choose peace………instead of THIS”.
No One Has Your Answers
But we would love to share how you found them.
Knowledge becomes practical only when applied to reality, in this case daily life, and it is the experience of application that leads to wisdom. Please share pebbles of thought, quotes, from phrases and ideas that you have resonated with and applied to everyday life. Remember, personal/private details should not be posted. See “JourneyWD” post for examples below.